October 14-17, 2025

Get started with the registration process.


Disney's Coronado Springs Resort
1000 West Buena Vista Drive
Lake Buena Vista, Florida 32830
P: (407) 939-4686
14 Tuesday

Vendor Move-In

7:00am - 6:00pm

15 Wednesday

Vendor Expo Open

9:00am - 12:30pm

5:30pm - 9:30pm

16 Thursday

Vendor Expo Open

5:30pm - 9:30pm

(Move-Out 9:30pm - 11:00pm)

17 Friday

Vendor Move-Out

8:00am - 2:00pm

How Do I Attend?

Register as a Vendor
Hotel Registration(see link below)
Transportation(not included)

Book Hotel

Vendors are offered a pre-negotiated rate at Disney's Coronado Springs Resort starting at $249.00 per night, plus tax. Call: (407) 939-4686 and identify yourself as a Mopar® Orlando Business Conference attendee; or online reservations can be made at: https://mydisneygroup.com/mospbc25/.

Optional: Disney Theme Park Tickets
Special advance purchase savings on Walt Disney World Theme Park tickets are available at: https://mydisneygroup.com/mospbc25/

Booth Information

Booth location is determined by date payment is received.

For booths larger than 10’ x 20’ must submit back and side wall height.
Send measurements to Greg Noonan at gnoonan.cei@gmail.com

  • 10' x 10' booth
  • Drapes (back and sides)
  • 6’ draped table
  • 2 chairs
  • 1 waste basket
  • ID sign
  • Larger booths will receive additional tables and chairs
  • Company information in our Official Conference Guide

Register early to receive price outlined in the table listed below!

Booth Size Sq. Ft. Total Investment Passes Included
10' x 10' 100 $3,895 4 registrations, can purchase up to 3 additional
10' x 20' 200 $5,500 6 registrations, can purchase up to 5 additional
10' x 30' 300 $7,475 8 registrations, can purchase up to 8 additional
10' x 40' 400 $10,335 12 registrations, can purchase up to 10 additional
20' x 20' 400 $10,335 12 registrations, can purchase up to 10 additional
20' x 30' 600 $15,395 16 registrations, can purchase up to 14 additional
20' x 40' 800 $20,565 20 registrations, can purchase up to 16 additional
30' x 50' 800 $38,560 20 registrations, can purchase up to 16 additional

Very Important Information - Freeman Exhibitor Services

All exhibit items must be shipped in advance to the Freeman Warehouse. Freeman Expo Services can provide additional items not listed above. For details and pricing, please contact Freeman Exhibitor Services at (407) 816-7900 or visit the Freeman website at: https://www.freemanco.com/store/show/landing.jsp?nav=02&showID=536945&referer=s

More Information

Need Power?

If you need power to your booth space, download the request form.
For custom quotes or questions, contact: Disney/Encore at (407) 939-3050.

Request Form

Sponsorship/Advertising Opportunities

Connecting with our dealers is always more effective when combining your exhibit with a sponsorship. There are many sponsorship opportunities that offer the greatest pre-show, at-show and post-show exposure. Each sponsorship is cost-effective while still providing your company with visibility throughout the show. Some of the sponsorship opportunities include: breakfast, lunch, dinner, GoBo lights, lanyards, pens, registration bags and more. To create a personalized sponsorship package tailored to meet your needs, simply contact your Account Executive, Greg Noonan, at (607) 437-3061 or email gnoonan.cei@gmail.com.

Four great reasons to let us design a sponsorship package for your company:

  • Strengthen visibility and awareness of your company and product
  • Enhance your image
  • Attract more visitors to your booth
  • Increase your sales/profit results

Sponsorship Information

download our W9 tax form

Sponsorship Opportunities

Note: This FCA Group LLC, Mopar® Conference is by invitation only to vendors and attendees. FCA/Mopar reserves the right to refund vendor enrollment monies when a potential conflict of interest exists and vendor will not participate in the Conference/Expo Show.

We give all vendors unprecedented access to our dealers, managers and our FCA Group LLC staff with booth and sponsorship prices that are significantly lower than any other major conferences. All products to be shown must be cleared by our FCA Conference team. Selected sq. ft. of booth space must be in increments of 100 and exhibitors must provide floor coverage for booth space. We do not offer registrations to Conference without a booth. Conference Passes do not include workshops. For all additional exhibitor registrations needed beyond the allotted per booth allocation, pricing will be $50/per person if pre-registered or $100/per person on-site (must show photo ID and business card to obtain credentials).

Our Official Conference Guide is also the attendees’ notebook and a direct communication to our exclusive list of dealers and FCA Team. It is an invaluable tool for describing your product or services benefit to our dealers.